Step 1 of 2: Codespaces Create a Codespace
To use the kit within a Codespace you will first need to create one.
1. Create a new prototype
To create a new prototype, visit the NHS prototype kit on GitHub, click the ‘Use this template’ button and select ‘Create a new repository’.
You’ll then be taken to a screen where you can enter a repository name - this should be the name of the service you are prototyping. You can change this later if you are not yet sure of the name.
You can also enter an optional description. You do not need to select the ‘Include all branches’ checkbox.
You can choose to make your prototype public or private. This can also be changed later.
Click ‘Create repository’ when you are ready. This will create a copy of the NHS prototype kit which you can then edit.
2. Create a new codespace
On every GitHub repository page is a 'Code' button which is used to get a copy of or to use the code held within the git repository.
Click the ‘Code’ button, and select the 'Codespaces' tab from the popup.
Next click on the ‘Create codespace on main’ button. This will open your new codespace in a new browser tab or window.
The 'Create codespace on main' button will either be shown as a large button or a small plus symbol after the label 'your workspaces in the cloud'.
3. Wait for the Codespace setup to finish
The Codespace will open in a new tab (or window) and begin the setup process.
You will see an interface building with a progress message showing that the space (known as a 'container') is being created or rebuilt.
This can take between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.
4. Check that it has worked
Once the Codespace has been created, you will then see the 'terminal' tab with commands being exectuted to start the prototype kit.
When the prototype has started it will open a preview window displaying the homepage of the prototype.
You now have a copy of the NHS prototype kit installed and running within a new GitHub Codespace.
This means you can create and edit prototypes entirely in your browser.