Build a basic prototype

Add a textarea to question 2

  1. Go to the textarea page of the design system.
  2. Select the Nunjucks tab, then Copy code.
  3. Open details.html in your app/views folder.
  4. Replace the code from {{ radios({ to when it finishes on }) }} with the code that you copied.
  5. Delete the example <p>...</p> paragraph at the bottom of the page.

Customise the example code

  1. Delete {% from "textarea/macro.njk" import textarea %}.
  2. Under label, change text from "Can you provide more detail?" to "Tell us your symptoms of magical powers".
  3. Change the id and name to details.
  4. We don't need a hint, so remove it and the comma just before it.
  5. We also want to make the page a title, so in the label area add classes: "nhsuk-label--l", and isPageHeading: true

Your component code should now look like this:

{{ textarea({
  name: "details",
  id: "details",
  label: {
    text: "Tell us your symptoms of magical powers",
    classes: "nhsuk-label--l",
    isPageHeading: true
}) }}

Your page should now look like this:

Web page with the heading "Tell us your symptoms of magical powers", a textarea and continue button
Screenshot of how your prototype should look.